Capitales de Europa con mar
# Monumentos de Europa
Has elegido retar a Carlos.
Para comenzar este reto de mentes priviligedias, elige el tipo de reto:
¿A quién quieres retar?
Busca a tu contrincante entre los jugadores de Cerebriti:
Reto aleatorio
Se elegirá un juego al azar dentro de la categoría que elijas:
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Encuentra el juego al que quieres retar a tu oponente en nuestro buscador:
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¿Cómo funcionan los retos?

ZERO CONDITIONAL (0 conditional)

Match and complete the sentences with the options that shows you
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Este anuncio nos ayuda a ser 100% gratis. Tu juego comenzará en unos segundos.
Nota media:
Arrastra con el ratón cada palabra sobre su pareja correspondiente. Si has acertado, desaparecerán las dos.
if i don't know a word,
I look it up in my dictionary
You pass the test
if you study hard
When they come to visit the children,
they always bring a present
You are strong,
if you eat healthy
If you mix red and blue,
you get purple
If children study,
then their parents are happy
If you freeze water,
it turns into ice
You pass the test
if you study hard
Plants die
if they don't get enough water
If you work too much,
you get tired
If public transport is efficient,
people stop using their cars
if i don't know a word,
I look it up in my dictionary
You pass the test
if you study hard
When they come to visit the children,
they always bring a present
You are strong,
if you eat healthy
If you mix red and blue,
you get purple
If children study,
then their parents are happy
If you freeze water,
it turns into ice
You pass the test
if you study hard
Plants die
if they don't get enough water
If you work too much,
you get tired
If public transport is efficient,
people stop using their cars
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Phrasal Verbs (H-L) Creado en 07/09/2012 por Cerebriti
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Sinónimos en inglés (1) Creado en 11/09/2012 por Cerebriti
Jugado 0 veces.
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