An act of singing alone or in group along to a music video :
Karaoke |
A digital media player, usually portable, that plays and stores files in the MP3 format :
MP3 player |
Also called tablet computer. A very thin, portable computer, battery-powered with a big screen :
Tablet |
An interactive display screen that is connected to a computer. :
Interactive whiteboard |
A call made via a mobile phone or computer in which participants can see each other :
Video call |
A digital camera that’s connected to a computer :
Webcam |
A central location of web pages that can be accessed by visiting the home page :
Website |
game recorded on a disc for use in a home computer :
Computer game |
A portable computer :
Laptopt |
A device for playing compact disks :
CD player |
Any wireless telephone that operates over a relatively large area :
Mobile phone |
A device for capturing a photographic image or recording a video, using film or digital memory :
Camera |
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