Phrasal verbs (17)
Find the correct meanings of 20 Phrasal Verbs, you have only 5 minutes to answer. Good Luck :)abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
Ask many people the same question
ask around
End a relationship
break up
break out
Relax after being angry
calm down
Leave a hotel
check out
chip in
cut in
Break into pieces
fall apart
Return a borrowed item
give back
Compete, oppose
go against
Return to a place
go back
Consider inferior
look down on
Try to find
look for
Return owed money
pay back
pick out
Leave unexpectedly
run away
Compare prices
shop around
Remove something
take off
Fade away
wear off
work out
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