Respuesta correcta
The jury reached a unanimous decision after the discussion. Mark the collective noun :
Jury |
His kindness towards strangers is truly admirable. Mark the abstract noun :
Kindness |
The men worked together. Mark the irregular plural :
men |
A swarm of bees surrounded the picnic. Mark the common noun :
bees |
Sophia loves reading books before bedtime. Mark the proper noun :
Sophia |
London is famous for its historic buildings. mark the proper noun :
London |
Respuesta correcta
The boy played with his new toy in the backyard. mark the common noun :
Toy |
Her bravery helped her overcome. Mark the abstract noun :
Bravery |
The children ran around the playground. Mark the irregular plural noun :
Children |
The committee decided to postpone the event. Mark the collective noun :
Committee |
Jessica enjoys painting beautiful landscapes in her free time. Mark the proper noun :
Jessica |
A pack of wolves was seen hunting in the forest. Mark the colective noun :
Pack |
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