Respuesta correcta
Who discovered DNA? :
Watson and Crick |
What is the closest planet to the sun? :
Mercury |
The oldest library of antiquity: :
Alejandria |
Author of The Three Musketeers: :
Alejandro Dumas |
Who wrote Crimen y Castigo? :
Dolstoiesky |
Who composed Para Elisa? :
Ludwig van Beethoven |
Entomology: :
Study of birds |
In which revolution did human rights were created? :
French Revolution |
Year in which WWII began: :
1938 |
Who invented the Nobel Prize? :
Alfred Nobel |
Respuesta correcta
Ethnology: :
study of races and origins |
Highest peak in the world: :
Everest |
Emperor who burned Rome: :
Neron |
Principal enemy of Trotsky: :
Stanlin |
Simon Bolivar's Doctor :
Mier |
Founder of existentialism :
Kant |
Who wrote el Principio :
Anthoine de Saint Exuperi |
Who invented the telegraph? :
Marconi |
Biggest empire: :
Mongolian |
First president of Colombia: :
Simon Bolivar |
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