Capitales de Europa con mar
# Monumentos de Europa
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The skills of problem solving

Let`s complete the text
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Nota media:
Arrastra con el ratón cada palabra sobre su pareja correspondiente. Si has acertado, desaparecerán las dos.
Problem solving requires
two distinct types of mental skill
or have no logical
connection with the problem
logical thinking includes
skills such as ordering
helps to select
the best alternative
Analytical thinking often predominates
in solving closed problems
producing a broad
range of ideas
possible causes have to be
identified and analyzed to find
It provides
a logical framework
thinking skills can be
divided into several
There is a large
element of creative thinking
using the imagination to
create a large range of ideas
side or hemisphere of the
brain is specialized to
problem solving requires a controlled
mixture of analytical and creative
of specialization of each
hemisphere varies from
brain thinking is more
holistic and is concerned
To be a good problem
solver you need
from one group of skills
to the other
Leftbrain thinking
is more logical
Traditional education
gives far greater
it has given
rise to the terms right
Problem solving requires
two distinct types of mental skill
or have no logical
connection with the problem
logical thinking includes
skills such as ordering
helps to select
the best alternative
Analytical thinking often predominates
in solving closed problems
producing a broad
range of ideas
possible causes have to be
identified and analyzed to find
It provides
a logical framework
thinking skills can be
divided into several
There is a large
element of creative thinking
using the imagination to
create a large range of ideas
side or hemisphere of the
brain is specialized to
problem solving requires a controlled
mixture of analytical and creative
of specialization of each
hemisphere varies from
brain thinking is more
holistic and is concerned
To be a good problem
solver you need
from one group of skills
to the other
Leftbrain thinking
is more logical
Traditional education
gives far greater
it has given
rise to the terms right
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Jugado 92 veces.
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