Capitales de Europa con mar
# Monumentos de Europa
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Has elegido: Bandas heavies de los a�os 80
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Respiration (match the sentences)

Game to practice and learn the respiratory and excretory system for the 4th grade of primary
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Nota media:
Arrastra con el ratón cada palabra sobre su pareja correspondiente. Si has acertado, desaparecerán las dos.
The respiratory system is made up of
the nose, trachea, bronchi and lungs
The trachea is a tube that connects
the nose and the lungs
The bronchi are 2 thinner
tubes in which trachea is divided
The lungs are two
spongy and elastic organs
the two breathing movements
are inhalation and exhalation
The diaphragm contracts when
we inhale
when diaphragm relaxes
it pushes air out
Waste substances are the substances
that are not good for our health
In the excretory system the blood
is cleaning
The excretory system is made up of
The urethra, kidneys and bladder
The kidneys filter the
blood and make urine
The bladder is the organ
the urine is stored
The urethra is a tube through
urine is expelled
Sweat contains water,
mineral salts and waste substances
The respiratory system is made up of
the nose, trachea, bronchi and lungs
The trachea is a tube that connects
the nose and the lungs
The bronchi are 2 thinner
tubes in which trachea is divided
The lungs are two
spongy and elastic organs
the two breathing movements
are inhalation and exhalation
The diaphragm contracts when
we inhale
when diaphragm relaxes
it pushes air out
Waste substances are the substances
that are not good for our health
In the excretory system the blood
is cleaning
The excretory system is made up of
The urethra, kidneys and bladder
The kidneys filter the
blood and make urine
The bladder is the organ
the urine is stored
The urethra is a tube through
urine is expelled
Sweat contains water,
mineral salts and waste substances
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Jugado 0 veces.
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