Capitales de Europa con mar
# Monumentos de Europa
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Lóbulos cerebrales - 18 preguntas en inglés

Reconocimiento de estructuras, funciones y trastornos en los lóbulos
Creado por:
Daily Zuley
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San Sebastian
Respuesta correcta
Which of the following two structures are part of the frontal lobe :
Área broca y corteza prefrontal
Which of these two functions relate to the frontal lobe :
Toma de decisiones y control de lenguaje
Of the following disorders which are related to alterations in the frontal lobe :
TDAH y Trastorno de personalidad antisocial.
Which of the following two structures are part of the parietal lobe :
surco poscentral y intraparietal
- Which of these two functions are related to the parietal lobe :
lenguaje verbal, propiciar memoria
Of the following disorders which are related to alterations in the parietal lobe :
Agnosia táctil y negligencia espacial unilateral
Which of the following two structures are part of the occipital lobe :
Corteza visual primaria (V1) y secundaria (V2)
Which of these two functions are related to the occipital lobe :
Diferenciar colores, captar movimiento
Of the following disorders which are related to alterations in the occipital lobe :
Agnosia visual y ceguera cortical
Respuesta correcta
Which of the following two structures are part of the temporal lobe :
Hipocampo y área de Wernicke
Which of these two functions relates to the temporal lobe :
Comprensión del lenguaje y aprendizaje
Of the following disorders which are related to alterations in the temporal lobe :
amnesia anterograda, afasia Wernicke
Which of the following two structures are part of the insula :
corteza insular anterior y posterior
a. - Which of these two functions are related to the functioning of the insula :
Proceso de emociones y percepción del gusto
Of the following disorders which are related to alterations in the insula :
Trastorno de ansiedad generalizada y TEPT
Which of the following two structures are part of the limbic system :
Giro cingulado y amígdala
Which of these two functions are related to the functioning of the limbic system :
Regular emociones, formación de memoria
Of the following disorders which are related to alterations in the limbic system :
TEPT y trastorno bipolar
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