In longitudinal research...
we go to the workfield several times
In quantitative research...
results can be generalized
How am I going to research?
Testimony comes from...
a single person who lived something
Marking the field
Where am I going to research?
Life history is a registry...
of all life events of a person
Ethnography is an in-dept study...
with extensive cultural descriptions
3 research techniques:
Testimony, interview and field diary
First anthropologists derived from...
military and religious invasions
Field of work is...
the place where my theme happens
A monography explains...
every characteristic of a topic
In participant observation...
we interact with the universe of study
3 research methods:
Ethnography, case study and oral history
Every human society is...
a group with a complex organization
Qualitative research doesn't require...
verified or measurable results
2 research techniques:
Life history and participant observation
For a semi-structured interview...
we go to the key informant's space
Results in the words of natives
Results in the words of the researcher
Subject field
What am I going to research?
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